Update from PPC meeting May 2024

The May meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council was held on Monday 20th May in the Community Hall, and this is an update on the items discussed:

Matters Arising

  • Funeral Ministry – Responses to questionnaire had been received with positive responses from 11 parishes. This was then discussed at Diocesan Pastoral Council.  It was agreed that training would be arranged for September – venue and date to be confirmed.  Deanery Pastoral Council are due to meet in two weeks’ time.  Michael Gilroy from Killala Diocese will attend and share literature and material they use for their Funeral Ministry teams.  The priority for each parish in the meantime is to identify six to eight people suited to such a ministry.  It was agreed that the best approach was for members of the PPC to let Fr. Stephen know of anyone they felt suitable. 
  • Conversations in the Spirit – Stephen had spoken to other priests including Fr. Fergal Cunnane regarding asking someone to speak to the PPC about this matter. PPC’s would need to allocate an hour for a speaker.  It would not be feasible to have a monthly meeting on same day.  It was agreed to arrange for an evening when we resume after summer break.
  • Refurbishments – No update since last meeting. Both Fr. Stephen and council members expressed frustration at the lack of progress.  It was agreed that Fr. Stephen should email the architect and ask him to commit to a time frame for commencing the tendering process and progressing the project.


TJ Fleming, Secretary of Deanery Pastoral Council had circulated a questionnaire for parish councils to complete.  The areas of focus were Funeral Ministry and Parish Administration.  The Funeral Ministry has been addressed therefore Fr. Stephen will complete the section regarding Parish Administration.  The responses from each parish will be collated with a view to identifying areas where we can co-operate or perhaps share resources.

Corpus Christi: Corpus Christi Procession will take place on 2nd June after 7:30 pm Mass.  Julia Kelly had prepared a detailed plan for the procession and went through the various tasks which needed to be completed.

Ministry Celebration Evening : Given the success of last year’s event and the positive feedback, it was agreed to hold a similar event this year in the Rugby Club on 4th July at 8pm. Food & music will be arranged.

Reports of Sub Groups:

Faith and Light  – The group had a lovely day out ten pin bowling in Castlebar on Sunday 19th May.  Next outing is Pilgrimage to Knock on 29th June.

Childrens Liturgy- Julia Kelly suggested having a newsletter for children.  Julia agreed to research further and report back to council.

AOB – Season of Creation – Gabriel Smith suggested that a boy and a girl from primary and secondary school be asked to recite a prayer at this year’s event.  Agreed.

Date of Next Meeting

8:30pm on Monday 17th June