Season of Creation event in Ballyhaunis

On Sunday 1st October, a event was held at the Community Garden at the Friary Grounds in Ballyhaunis to reflect on our place in creation. The Season of Creation runs from 1st September to 4th October, and Catholics around the globe are invited to pray and care for creation. The event was organised by the Parish Pastoral Council, under the leadership of Kevin Henry, and speakers included Jenny Glynn from the Community Garden, Colm Bohan of the Ballyhaunis Beekeeper’s Association and Mary Donnelly of the local Tidy Towns committee. Thanks to Moira Delaney and Ita Fahey for providing the music, and to those who attended and brought their pets to be blessed by Fr. Stephen.

L-R: Rev Xanthe Pratt, Kevin Henry, Mary Donnelly, Colm Bohan, Moira Delaney, Jenny Glynn, Ita Fahey, Mary Henry.