New ‘Le Cáirde’ Music group

The 10am Sunday Mass throughout the month of June was broadcast on MidWest radio and livestreamed online. We are blessed with wonderful choirs in our parish: ‘The parish choir, the Abbey Male choir and the Scoil Íosa Children’s choir. Sunday, June 18th saw the launch of “Le Cáirde’ Music group who provided the music and singing at the 10am Mass. The group truly represents the diversity of talent and cultures that exists within our parish. Members come from the Philipines, Poland, Lithuania, Moldova, Germany, Brazil, Romania and Ireland. This group met at the Language Café organised by the Community Council. It includes soloists and instrumentalists. There was a very positive reception from the congregation present in the church and those joining remotely on parish radio, MWR FM and on the livestream.

Well done to Ludmila Burcovschi, our Director of Sacred Music for forming this new choir.