Ministry Appreciation Evening

On July 4th, Fr. Stephen hosted a Ministry Appreciation Evening in Ballyhaunis Rugby Club. The event was to say “thank you” to the many people involved in various ministries in the parish – including members of the Parish Pastoral Council, Mass readers, Eucharistic Ministers, sacristan Irene and her assistants, choir members, members of the Baptism team and parish Finance committee, as well as basket collectors and envelope distributors. In the region of 100 volunteers attended the social evening; Londis Ballyhaunis provided a wonderful hot & cold buffet, with Collette & Bourca serving food on the night, music was provided by DJ James Judge, and huge thanks to Georgina, Martin and the committee of Ballyhaunis Rugby Club for their help in hosting a very successful & enjoyable evening. Thanks also to Jana Jurakova for taking photos on the night.