Holy Thursday 28 March .
The season of Lent ends on Holy Thursday and the Easter Triduum begins with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 8pm, followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 10pm.
The Offertory collection this evening will be donated to Trócaire.
Good Friday, 29 March, Celebration of the Lord’s Passion.
Stations of the Cross at 3pm.
Good Friday Liturgy at 8pm.
Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence on which we are expected to fast and to abstain from meat.
The collection this evening will go towards the upkeep of Holy Places in the Holy Land.
Holy Saturday, 30 March – Easter Vigil at 9pm.
In accord with ancient tradition, this night is one of vigil for the Lord. Saint Augustine called it ‘the mother of all vigils’.
There are several different elements to the Easter Vigil: The Service of Light, the Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of Baptism and Liturgy of the Eucharist.
The new fire is blessed outside the church, and its flames should dispel the darkness and light up the night. All present in the Church hold candles to which the light of the new Paschal Candle is gradually passed. The Liturgy of the Word follows with readings from sacred scripture, followed by the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
The Easter Vigil will be followed by the blessing of food for members of the Eastern European community.
Easter Sunday, 31 March – Easter Day of the Lord’s Resurrection.
‘Christ is risen, alleluia!’ This is the ancient Christian greeting on this day of great joy and happiness for all.
Masses will be held at 10am and 12 noon.
The Holy Week ceremonies in Ballyhaunis will be broadcast live on Midwest Radio on 96.1 FM and can be viewed live via webcam on the parish website www.ballyhaunisparish.ie
Archbishop Eamon Martin, Primate of All Ireland, is urging everyone to find some time during Holy Week for prayer and reflection. “This year in particular we are conscious of immense calamity and pain in so many parts of our world- especially in Gaza, Israel and Ukraine- and of the urgent need for an end to violence and war. I invite everyone in Ireland to redouble their prayers and efforts this week for peace in our world, including for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza”.