Corpus Christi Procession

The annual Corpus Christi procession took place following the vigil Mass on Saturday evening 1st June, commencing outside St. Patrick’s Church and proceeding through the town to the Friary for prayers. The children who recently received their First Holy Communion took part in the procession, scattering flower petals along the way which had been donated by parishioners. Thanks to the members of the PPC who helped to organise the event, to the First Holy Communion children & their parents who took part, to those who created the lovely chalk artwork on the pavements outside both Churches, to Irene our sacristan and members of the Brazilian community for their artwork. Thanks also to the cross and canopy bearers, Mass servers, the stewards and Gardai who assisted with traffic flow, to Joe Hosty for the sound system and Mike Byrne for reciting the Rosary, to the Abbey Trust and those who cleaned & prepared the Friary and served refreshments after the prayers and especially to Julia Kelly who coordinated all elements of the event. The sun shone down on Ballyhaunis for our procession, which coincided this year with the Summer Festival – it was an enjoyable and uplifting event for all involved. Pictures by Janapix.