Update from PPC meeting September 2024

The September meeting of the Ballyhaunis Parish Pastoral Council took place on Monday 23rd September – this is a summary of the items discussed.

Matters Arising

  • Mass Servers – Fr. Stephen reported that teams had been picked and had started over the last weekend. Ten former servers had left, and eight new servers have come on board.
  • Church Refurbishment – Fr. Stephen gave an update, outlining details of correspondence with Architect. After discussion and contributions from a number of the members of the council, the consensus was that a Project Manager should be engaged.
  • Funeral Ministry – a brochure explaining what is involved is being prepared. It is envisaged that training will be provided over three nights in Spring, beginning as a pilot project in Claremorris deanery and eventually in each deanery in the archdiocese.
  • Harvest Mass in the Friary – successful and well attended. The theme of Season of Creation was woven into the Mass.
  • Conversations of the Spirit – event had been held on 9th There was mixed feedback from the participants, some found it useful whilst others felt it was a little too deep and meditative.
  • Ministry Appreciation night – the event in the Rugby Club in July went very well, however there were some suggestions that it would be sufficient to hold it perhaps every second year.


There are some changes including the requirement for the designated liaison person to be subject to Garda vetting. 

Recent Diocesan Appointments

Thomas Kenny has been appointed at secondary school catechist.

Niamh Morris has been appointed as Diocesan Resource.  Part of her remit will be to assist with getting PPC’s off the ground and supporting them.  Niamh has wide experience in pastoral work. 

Training Night for PPC Chairpersons and Secretaries was planned for Wednesday 2nd October.  Kevin Henry and Mary Henry to attend.

Deanery Meeting with Archbishop

Feedback regarding Conversations with the Spirit workshops was that it had been worthwhile.  Bishop Francis had given an update on the amalgamation of the dioceses of Tuam and Killala.  Bishop Francis is anxious to ensure faith in Jesus Christ is maintained.  The key rationale for the amalgamation was that there were a high number of dioceses per head of population and falling numbers, it was noted that numbers are not falling in Northern Ireland.  It was suggested part of this could be attributed to the fact that shops do not open on Sundays until 1pm and likewise for sporting events. 

In response to a question regarding the role of Deacons, Fr. Stephen confirmed this is paused for the moment.

Sacramental Preparation Programmes

The Grow in Love programme is to commence shortly.  Fr. Stephen hoped to organise a meeting/enrolment evening with parents in the coming week (this meeting has since taken place).

 It was agreed to use labels for children attending Masses in preparation for the sacrament.

Confirmation will take place on 13th March, preparation will be time enough starting after Christmas.

Thanks was expressed to Miriam Judge and Ruth Murphy for their work with the Children’s Liturgy.

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Discussion took place as to whether an alternative should be looked at, for example St. Vincent de Paul, another suggestion was to support GAA players heading to Africa shortly to do voluntary work and sow trees.   Agreed to discuss further at next meeting.

Reports of Sub Groups

Faith and Light National Day is due to be held in Moate on 19th October.  National pilgrimage to Knock was held on 29th June with Ballyhaunis group in attendance.


A. Lyons mentioned that there had been very positive feedback in relation to lay people stepping in for Fr. Stephen on a couple of occasions over the summer.

Next Meeting – Monday 21st October  @ 8:30.