Faith and Light Summer Fiesta

The annual Summer fiesta was held in Clare Court, Ballyhaunis on Sunday 9th July. The theme was the Sunday’s gospel, Matthew 11.   Firstly, we spoke about  Guatemalan worry dolls that the children tell their worries to. Then they place them under their pillow, and by the morning all worries have disappeared.
Next, we produced a big black sack to represent all the worries with which we are weighed down.  We talked about how we could ‘lighten my load’ i.e. by helping each other to relieve some of our worries and anxieties and of course the knowledge that if we talk to Jesus he listens, and if we walk with him he will lighten our burden. The members of the group were asked:  ‘if I were to say, “I’m too tired”, or “I can’t manage”, what would He say to us….and so on?. So as the burden bag was carried around the group,  the group responded with a way to get rid of some of our worries. Balloons filled the sack representing the worries, and gradually the load got smaller as a balloon was removed. Music and singing was provided by the wonderful “Le Cairde Group”. Very appropriately they sang  ‘Don’t Worry be Happy” .
A great afternoon was had by all.